The versatile soy bean contains a high quality protein content that is comparable to dairy and meat protein using only 1/8th of the amount of water using by the animal agriculture industry. Tofu has the ability to take on many flavors and can range from Silken Soft to Extra Firm. Tofu contains calcium and is lower in calories. Tofu can be cubed, crumbled, or sliced, marinated, baked or fried.
Tempeh is an alternative plant based protein that requires a fermentation process of the soy bean, creating a gut-happy addition to any meal. Because the soy beans are less processed in Tempeh, you will typically see full or halved soy beans still intact. Tempeh provides more protein, fiber, iron, and potassium than tofu per serving. Tempeh can be cubed, crumbled, or sliced, marinated, and fried like bacon strips.