TCHO Chocolate

Premium Product!

TCHO is a chocolate maker based in Berkeley, California, US that promotes itself as working with cacao bean farmers and cooperatives to improve growing, fermentation and drying methods.

  • Vegan, Dairy Free, Organic, Gluten Free, Non GMO, Fair Trade, Soy Free, Kosher, Certified B Corp

  • TCHO Source provides their farmer and scientist partners with the right tools to make the best cacao in the world. They also make bold infrastructure investments at origin, from flavor labs, fermentation centers, and raised drying beds to entire buildings where cocoa research can occur.

  • Choco Blanco - 35%

    Mighty Mosaic - 62%

    Dark & Bitter - 100%

  • Choco Blanco - 3kg

    Mighty Mosaic - 5 lb or 25 lb

    Dark & Bitter - 3kg

  • For more information about TCHO products, visit their website:

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